Marriage: The 5 Love Languages

I was initially resistant to The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, which was suggested by my Mother.   The gist is that everyone has a preference in the way that they give love and like to receive it, his book is a way of explaining that.  There is a short quiz in the book to get a general idea of how each partner gives and likes to receive it.

The 5 love languages are: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts and Acts of Service

For me: I like to receive Acts of Service and Quality Time

For my husband: Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation

Biggest Ah-ha revelations for us: We each were giving love the way that we wanted to receive it, but as you can see above we don’t match on anything.  So basically wasted effort and frustrating for both of us prior to coming to this understanding that we are different and both need to make an effort to give love to the other in the way we want to receive it.

My husband is so simple, so now instead of doing all of his laundry and expecting him to be in love with me and go the extra mile for me, all I have to do is welcome him home with a kiss and a hug and tell him I think he looks good or how he is the best dad! For me this awareness means he has to be more romantic and do chores!

I found this extremely informative and just another tool to make marriages succeed and keep the dialogue going between partners.  Marriage isn’t easy and adding in kids complicates and changes your marriage making connection more important.

So visit the website Here to check it out!