Family: Grandparents and Discipline

All Grandparents, you are not the parent of your grandkids, thus you do not decide how the child should be disciplined or take it upon yourself to do what you did as a parent.  This is up to the parents (your children), so respect that and ask the parents what is important to them in this department!! And parents have the conversation up front with your parents (grandparents).

I know I’m fighting or going against the long time saying of grandparents are allowed to spoil their grandchildren or that mentality.  But as a parent when I get my kids back from their grandparents and certain rules have been avoided the result is my kids are a nightmare in the discipline department.

So how do you bridge the gap between letting the grandparent spoil your kids but also parent your parents (the grandparents).

Discipline is interesting, I want all grandparents to know how we discipline our kids so that doesn’t change when they see or are with their grandparents.  I’m in favor of open communication when it comes to anything about my kids, so grandparents you can still spoil but you will respect me as the parent and do it our way.

So have that conversation especially if your kids are with their grandparents for an extended period of time or you notice little things that the grandparent does that you don’t agree with.  They are your kids!!  Teach your parents to be the best grandparent they can be!