Will You Marry Me? Because I’d Like to Date You

Is chivalry dead after you have kids and after years of marriage??? COURT ME, goddamnit!!! haha

Yes, at some point in a marriage you start taking each other for granted and for sure with kids go into survival mode.  You also start focusing more on the kids and their needs vs. your own and especially your partners.  I think this is okay for a little while and hopefully happens later in your marriage, for me, this is not the case..

I want my husband to re-propose to me.. is that too much to ask!! I don’t necessarily need a new ring, because let’s be clear we are married and giving a ring as a symbol of his love and commitment doesn’t really apply since we’ve already been through a lot..

But I want him to stop taking everything I do for granted and wine and dine me and plan a date once in awhile, why do I always have to do it.. I would love to spend a weekend or a night away from the kids, pretend like I’m single again and can do stupid things.  The couples that I have seen that do it well are those that have an au pair or mother’s helper living in their house, this is the way to really do it.

It has become that any free, alone time we have, we are either sleeping or I’m trying to watch as many of my favorite movies because I love chick flicks!!

So I propose a re-proposal (to me and my girls – my 3 year old wants in on it) and a renewal of vows. Now that we have some years under our belts and a couple of kids, we can really think about our vows and do it again, plan a mini-wedding (I had a tiny one, so I’m entitled to a renewal and a party).