Skincare Routines and Mamas

Hot!! I know! Really real photo of my face! #nofilter This topic of skincare for me is one that I need to work while at home with negative minutes as well as traveling on the road or in the air!! It’s all the same when you are a mom right!

I’m highlighting all of my wrinkles, hopefully I don’t always look this way!! and I’m a tired, stressed mom of 2.  My mother, who I love, never spent a lot of time in the sun, looks like she is 20 years younger but also I never remember her talking about skincare routines.. Exfoliating, masks, moisturizer for your face, nope.. no recollection..

So, insert me pre kids, I don’t wash my face, don’t put any products on it, I have freckles, everytime I get a facial, few and far between I break out.  So just not educated and never did any of this!

Now with Kids – Barely above water in my life!  No time, all of the above, I’ve spent more time in the sun, I’m stressed/worried and have huge bags under my eyes from never sleeping!  I also have those white heads on my face that you can only get off from a facial, which again, no time.

I’ve never contemplated anything beauty enhancing related, I don’t dye my hair and I don’t have my ears pierced… and NOW because I have no time, I’ve thought of Botox, CO2 under my eyes, dye my hair to get rid of gray hair..There HAS to be a face solution for Moms like me.  Anyone??

Also I should disclose I don’t even get it, all the different products and steps, dumb it down for me, this shouldn’t be complex..  Then there is the whole issue with clean products and ones with less chemicals, I definitely want pure products and ones that are free from chemicals that will harm my face.

This day, I feel like I’m constantly being shown on Instagram all of these famous people promoting skin care products and they are moms, but either they have help or they need to break down how they are going about their day to fit this in, cause I’m not getting it.

Moral of the Story: I feel like all ofthI’m not educated in the skin care industry and want to be able to talk intelligently about it to my kids.  However, all of the products out there require time, which as a mom I don’t have, so I’m only interested if the product is pure and easy to use/made for moms.    Someone out there has to get it, that moms have no time, the typical mom (of more than 1) with no help, running around like a madwoman in the AM and PM.. then collapsing after kids in bed because they are exhausted and have to get up in 9 hours to do it again.  So self care, goes on the back burner.

Anyone else? Or am I alone in this!! I could be alone, but I honestly don’t get why there isn’t anything being marketed to moms!!