Suitable for toddlers and children 2-7 years inflight and from 3 years as a ride-on. Think of this purchase as buying your kids a suitcase that will last 5 years!! It’s amazing!!
Introducing the new and improved version of the classic BedBox. The BedBox is the world’s only premium ride-on suitcase for children with an inflight bed or leg-rest feature. Combining Scandinavian design with aviation style, this travel essential allows your child to rest comfortably or sleep during long and short haul flights. Fun and functional with ample storage, the BedBox holds your child´s must-haves. Once packed let your little one ride it (or pull it) through the airport terminal for stress-free transport. Once you board your flight, transform the BedBox from a suitcase to bed in 5 simple steps.
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